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Joint Statement: Aluminum Associations Applaud the EU, U.S. and Japan Agreement to Strengthen WTO Rules on Industrial Subsidies

Our aluminum associations applaud the agreement between the European Union, Japan and the United States to work toward the strengthening of the existing World Trade Organization’s (WTO) rules on industrial subsidies. 

January 16, 2020

Aluminum Association Applauds Phase One China Trade Deal; Calls for Addressing Structural Subsidies in Phase Two

The Aluminum Association released the following statement from Lauren Wilk, the Aluminum Association’s vice president for policy, in response the recently signed “phase one” trade agreement between the United States and China:

January 15, 2020

The Aluminum Association Applauds Canadian Government for Adding Aluminum to Import Monitoring List

Lauren Wilk, Vice President for Policy at the Aluminum Association, issued the following statement following today’s announcement that the Canadian government will add certain aluminum products to its Import Control List (ICL), a monitoring system for imports entering the country. 

August 23, 2019

Quota-Free Removal of Tariffs a Major Victory for North American Aluminum Industry

The leaders of the aluminum associations of North America --  Heidi Brock, President & CEO, The Aluminum Association (U.S.); Fernando A. Garcia, President, IMEDAL (Mexico); Jean Simard, President & CEO, The Aluminium Association of Canada -- released a joint statement following the announced agreement to remove Section 232 tariffs on North American aluminum.

May 17, 2019

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